A SEMI-TRUCK causes Model 3 TESLA CRASH!!!

Oh no! A Coca-Cola semi-truck backed into our Tesla Model 3 and smashed it up pretty badly. It's never fun to see a Tesla crash in a car accident, but our Tesla Model 3 crash was particularly scary because we were in the car at the time and our 8-year-old son was in the back seat—right where the semi crashed into us! Needless to say, we now have to deal with expensive and drawn-out car repairs with a local body shop for our special electric car. You know what's really annoying, though? Even with our expensive 256Gb thumb drive for Sentry Mode, and our setting to "Save on Honk," no footage was saved as I honked the horn at the semi truck! All that time, money, effort, and technology that work just fine most of the time, but not when we truly need it!


New Goal = New Project to Keep Us Focused on the Silent Yachts 80 Solar Catamaran


Denver has CRAZY axx WEATHER!!//2020 Labor Day snow storm!