Can this mobile app make jet lag a thing of the past?

We’re dropping a truth bomb that’s going to cure your jet lag for the rest of your life. For anyone who travels across time zones, this is going to an absolute game-changer. All the absurd hacks that we’ve all been trying for years to reduce or eliminate jet lag should be thrown out the window. Yes, jet lag is an objective, measurable, scientific condition that can be affected through objective, measurable, scientific tactics, but until recently, few people outside of NASA knew what those were.

This morning, I got to sit down view zoom with Mickey Beyer-Clausen, co-founder and CEO of Timeshifter, to discuss their relatively new and groundbreaking mobile app that finally provides the closest thing to a jet lag cure that we’re likely to see in the next few decades. You’re gonna see that brilliant video conversation, but first, a few notes.

First, Timeshifter is not compensating us in any way for this coverage, although they did give us free access to the app for the sake of trying it out (and if you watch until the end, we’ll tell you how you can get free access to this app, which normally costs about $10 per trip or $25 per year for unlimited trips).

Second, our current experience with this app has been so positive that we’ve included it in our website’s new Stuff We Love collection, which is a curated catalog of our favorite products, services, and experiences for a super rad lifestyle. Some of those items pay us commissions when you buy, but a lot of them, like Timeshifter, don’t. We don’t include things based on compensation and brands can’t buy their way into the collection. The only way to make the list is to have something that we find indispensable for our lifestyle.


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