Private Waterfront Nantucket Home in the Early-Season

In this episode, our family made the one-day journey from our home on Coronado Island (California) to Nantucket Island (Massachusetts) via Denver and Boston. We'd booked a 4-night stay in a private, 3-bedroom house situated right on the marina, giving us waterfront access to great views and one of our 8-year-old son, Colt's, favorite activities: crab hunting.

Because we used our Inspirato Pass membership for this trip, we booked the home for about 85% below market rates. But with this being the absolute beginning of Nantucket's travel season, we'll have to see if the juice was worth the squeeze, so be sure to catch every episode from this trip!


What To Do When Visiting Nantucket Island


Our first big scare at sea - Attempting a family swim into Thunderball Grotto goes horribly wrong