Traveling During A Pandemic – Our Daughter Has A JOB!

It's easy to stay coronavirus free when we're home and isolating ourselves. Holiday gifts are delivered, groceries are delivered, even our alcohol is being delivered these days. It's a no-contact lifestyle. Until we travel...

The challenge is navigating kids through the airport without touching anything. And if we HAVE to touch something we get that hand sanitizer on immediately. Masks are on the entire time, unless we're taking a bite or a sip of water. It can be stressful and a bit of a hassle, but worth it to continue doing what we love – traveling as a family to amazing locations, and the kids continuing their modeling.

This past weekend was all about Brooklyn's job. And honestly, the traveling isn't so bad... as long as you take the necessary precautions. Since we have Clear, going through security is hands-free until we get to the security screening. After we collect our personal items, we slather on that hand-sanitizer. We're loyal United customers and have been really happy with all the new safety implementations they have. They have a double air filtration system on the plane to ensure the cleanest air. They hand out alcohol wipes for you to apply on your seat, arm rests, seatbelt, and tray table. They have pre-made, bagged, snacks and bottled water to hand out during the flight. All-in-all we felt as safe as possible while flying during covid 19.

Another attempt to be contact free was our choice to rent a car instead of using ride shares. Since we are Inspirato members, we're automatically able to enroll in Avis's President's Club. This made a huge difference! The car renting experience was nearly hands-free. I only had to show them my drivers license.

Now let's get to the best part! The job! We spent the entire day in Malibu. It was an incredible view with and incredible home, on an incredible piece of property. The whole scene was amazing. Brooklyn, not only did a great job at her modeling gig, but she made some great new friends. That was her favorite part about the day :)

To learn more about our family travels and benefits we get when traveling for work, visit


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