Inspirato SCUBA Trip to Costa Rica (Playas Del CoCo) Sea Turtle, Sharks, Eagle Rays, and... Cats?

After completing her initial PADI SCUBA training in Denver, Reagan was ready to do her open water certification dives while we were on our 7-day Inspirato Pass trip to Costa Rica. Over the course of 2 days, Phil and Reagan did 4 dives in the Pacific Ocean and Playa Del Coco bay.

While the visibility wasn't perfect, the water temperature was comfortable and the sea life was unbeatable. Between close-up encounters with eagle rays, eels, puffers, white tip sharks, a sea turtle, and thousands of tropical fish, it was hard to keep up with the video footage.

It's experiences like these that make it easy to understand why Inspirato is a good deal—we're getting so much value for our investment.


Traveling During A Pandemic – Our Daughter Has A JOB!


Secret Beach in Costa Rica // Playa Penca // Inspirato Pass Vacation