Mumbai or Bombay?! What's the deal with India's City of Dreams?

For the final stop in our 2-week tour of India, we're exploring the city of Dreams: Mumbai. er... Bombay? Anyway, we're wrapping our trip up here because it's unique combination of art, history, food, theater, and nightlife is said to be the metropolitan equivalent of the ultimate masala spice mix: it has a little bit of everything.


0:00 Intro

0:33 Mumbai Spice Market

8:53 Taj Ice Cream

11:57 Mumbai Thieves Market

14:00 Chico fruit and Kyani & Co.

17:42 Pancham Puriwala

21:18 Vada Pay

22:53 Bankelal Sharma at the beach

25:51 Babulnath Dosas

28:22 Conclusion

29:43 Outro

30:11 Behind the scenes


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