By Date
New Goal = New Project to Keep Us Focused on the Silent Yachts 80 Solar Catamaran
We needed a more relevant backdrop for our studio, so Phil decided to extend our vision board concept by creating a huge representation of our new dream acquisition: The Silent 80 solar yacht.
A SEMI-TRUCK causes Model 3 TESLA CRASH!!!
Oh no! A Coca-Cola semi-truck backed into our Tesla Model 3 and smashed it up pretty badly. It's never fun to see a Tesla crash in a car accident, but our Tesla Model 3 crash was particularly scary because we were in the car at the time and our 8-year-old son was in the back seat—right where the semi crashed into us!
Denver has CRAZY axx WEATHER!!//2020 Labor Day snow storm!
It went from 93 degrees to 39 degrees and snowing! In just one day!! Weather can change on a dime here in Denver. 2020 is still bringing the crazy. I never would have expected so much snow starting the day after Labor Day. Nuts!
We Traveled 15 MINS For An INCREDIBLE RESORT VACATION at The Gaylord!
We’ve taken our kids to lakes, oceans, bays, and incredible cities, but who would have guessed that one of their favorite destinations was right in our back yard here in Denver?! It was the perfect pandemic Colorado staycation.
We Fed $500 Caviar to Our Friends, Our Kids, AND OUR YORKIE?!!
When our good friends Austin and Leah came over for an evening of socializing, we decided to serve caviar (they had never tried it before) that we had over-nighted on ice from AbsoluteCaviar.com. But they sent us twice as much as we ordered, so we decided to have a little fun by finding out how many living creatures in our household would enjoy the flavor. And we we sure weren’t disappointed.
Erin Gets Iced — We Haven’t Grown Up Yet! (Smirnoff Ice)
The unsuspecting aren’t safe. Just because we’re on vacation... just because we’re not in college anymore... just because we’re supposed to be adults, doesn’t mean we’re safe from being iced. Also, Erin is terrible at it. She’s not going for speed but at least she followed through with it. :)
Lake Life: Booze, Leeches, Jet Skis, Wipeouts, Fishing and Karaoke!
This was one of the best family vacations we’ve had in a long time! It was full of jet skiing, boating, tubing... and of course Colt found himself stuck to a huge leech... and it’s tons of babies. Ewww. Other than the leech, bugs and humidity we really loved lake life. Colt learned so much about fishing we all loved jet skiing and tubing.
Teaching KIDS to make PASTA from SCRATCH!
Have you ever had such a good friend she would come over when you’re husband is out of town and cook dinner for you and your kids? Well, I do! I have a bestie like that and she’s a life saver. Not only does she come over to make dinner but she teaches my kids to cook too! Because let’s face it, I’m not going to do it.
4th of July 2020 Needed A Drink Smoker — Tequila, Mezcal Weekend
Have you ever had one of those years? Actually we’re all having one of those years. A few things helping us get through it are our amazing friends and family... and our drink smoker.
Visiting Maj. Taj Sareen and other fallen soldiers at Miramar National Cemetary
Taj died a hero while he was flying home from a long deployment in 2015. He was a childhood friend of mine (Erin). We kept in touch over the years and I grew to be a very very proud friend of him. So grateful for this experience, visiting his gravesite. Thank you for your service. We lost a hero.
Keeping KIDS Busy While Quarantining (It's STILL Hard!)
We’re back at it! The quarantine restrictions might have lifted but don’t tell our kids that! It really is hard raising kids, that’s why we like to make light of it. Hopefully it can give you a little laugh.
We’ve had a lot of fun making these videos. There are a lot more to come. As we create more, we’ll make a playlist for episodes like this. Just make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any of our posts.
CAROLINA REAPER?! ENTIRE Family Takes Death Nut Challenge!
After our son @ColtCraft challenged himself to eat a jalapeño, Serrano, habanero, ghost pepper, Trinidad Scorpion, and Dragon’s Breath peppers, it was time for the big daddy: The Carolina Reaper. We considered buying the pepper itself, but that would be a bit much for the kids. Next, we figured we’d take the one-chip challenge with the Paqui chip, but couldn’t find those for under $50 for a single chip!
7yo Makes His BED Like ORIGAMI! Military-Grade Hospital Corners :)
Colt is a special little kid. A little obsessive about his bed, but what’s not to like about that? Sometimes he gets emotional when someone sits on his bed after he’s made it. After you watch all the work he puts into making his bed, you’ll see why...
We SOLD OUR HOME so now we live ON THE BEACH!
This is the story all about how our lives got flipped turned upside down... in a really really good way. This episode is all about how we took a leap of faith and decided to sell our home and invest in a different kind of future for our family.
San Diego Bay Kayaking: Will kids help or hinder??
We needed to get out and enjoy the sunshine! What better way than in a sea kayak? If you love being on the water you’ll love these breathtaking views of the San Diego skyline.
Did We Just Get a PINK LEMONADE TREE?!! – Our Coronado Garden
We have new potted trees on our patio!! Another improvement for our home in Coronado, California. So excited about our lemon (Pink lemonade to be exact), lime and orange tree. Also, couldn’t be a complete patio garden without some herbs. It's going to be amazing to have real fruit trees in our own back yard!
Do Caterpillars Make Good PETS? And How Much Time Do They Need To Spend At The Beach?
Apparently I haven’t seen very many caterpillars in my life because Colt found the biggest, hairiest, fastest, coolest caterpillar I’ve ever seen... and he had friends. I have so many questions: What kind of caterpillar is this? Why are they on the beach? And should I let the kids keep him? We named him Maverick BTW.
Our First Six Years of Memories in Coronado, CA
From one of our very first family vacations in Coronado to just a few months ago, it’s amazing to see how many beautiful memories we’ve created as the kids have grown up. Now we have daily memories here to create and cherish.
Quarantining With Kids Is Hard! (I mean...)
Look, we’ve all had to make changes in our household while the pandemic goes on. Being locked up in a home with kids can be really hard sometimes. There’s so much housework to be done, I don’t know how I find the time... And don’t get me started on the schoolwork: they constantly need help! Well, I’ve got a little video that can cheer you up. I know exactly how it feels to be stuck in a house full of kids.